Need I ask?
Mama’s Losin’ It Challenge1.) Ask someone who loves you what one of your weaknesses is.
One of my 8 year old sons is the king of superlatives. If there is something I fail to do once, and he feels a need to complain about it, he starts off with, “you never…” or “you always…” or something like it. Today I got “you never let us have school lunch!” So, there we have it, one of my weaknesses told very confidently from a loved one. The thing is, he just had school lunch yesterday and if I could afford it, he’d have it every day because I do not like making lunches! At least what I send is probably healthier than the things he’d choose at school. I remember eating cafeteria food and wondering who in the world actually eats beets or that nasty stringy lemon flavored cooked spinach? I’d always leave those poisons alone and eat the roll, or whichever colored Soylent they were serving that day.
Sadly, I'm pretty sure I did that to my parents, so I have to cut her some slack ;).