Spaced-out Kitty


I’ve been going through a bunch of my debris, as I am a major maker and storer of it, and found this awesome card that my cousin Jayme gave me on my 24th birthday.  Oh, how this picture sums up so many moments of my life.  In fact, I think I could have looked just like this in just about every math class I’ve ever taken.  I’m sure many of you out there will instantly relate with this picture at some level.


Heatherlyn said…
Uh, yeah, for the math class the cat would have to have his eyes shut to resemble me! But I think that's how I look every time my husband's ex opens her mouth. Nothing short of dumbfounded and perplexed. Something like the cat! :)
Andrea said…
I HAVE THAT SAME CARD!!! As soon as I saw it I was like, hey! I know that picture. :) A friend gave it to me many years ago. Love it!
Natalie said…
HA! Math does the same thing to me, too. I love that picture!
Brenny said…
Seriously thought that was a mirror for a moment, especially if that cat is sitting in front of the television. I go to a whole different place when the TV is on...
-Ang said…
It seems like I become that cat more and more as a sleepless zombie mom!
Anonymous said…
That cat resembles myself at the end of the day crashed in front of the TV watching, I don't what? Just recuperating from a crazy day with my crazy insanely loud girls. I think I'm suffering from ear loss as well as memory loss.

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