Pease Porridge Hot!
“What year was it when you were seven? What year was it when you were one? Did you wear a bonnet when you were little?”
1983. 1977. No!
These were all questioned posed to me this afternoon by Douglas the Inquisitor. Curious now, I asked him some questions just to see how old he really saw me and Chris.
“If I wore a bonnet, what kind of hat did daddy where? How did we travel when I was little? What did we eat when I was a kid?”
Top hat (“one of those tall round ones that are black with a line at the bottom”). Model T. (“one of those black ones that Henry Ford made). “Porridge, nine days old.”
At least I’m not still in the Stone Age as was previously thought. Well, it’s 6 in the evening now, so I guess it’s time for me to get my bonnet on, go out back to kill a chicken, get the porridge heating up again (it’s 10 days old now), and look outside to see if Chris has rolled into the driveway in his old Ford P.O.S.!
They’ll never notice if it’s 9 days old or instant, it’s that good!