Well, we done it, we done gone and purchased an American car, a 2003 Chevy Impala! The Muffler Man in Lansing would be proud! I think I should call and let them know that we don't only buy Korean and Japanese cars. It seemed that every time I went in for an oil change they'd darkly tease me about my "derned for'n cars." And I'd have to remind them every time that it was the lovely Dodge Grand Caravan that had it's computer die (which is like going into cardiac arrest for a modern car and to the point that we had to buy it a new ticker), along with some other minor problems, it was also this vehicle that had it's breaks go out on me while going down hill. Alas, we have chosen to buy American again and hope by doing so some Michigan wounds might be healed and that our faith in American vehicles might be renewed.
The funny thing about this car is that it's an Impala and I can't think of this car without remembering one of my favorite recorded voicemails. Check out the following link: Mother goose in an Impala.
Supposedly, in this car's other life, it was a cop car. So on the outside it looks rather foreboding but on the inside it's one smooth ride. So, finally Chris can give his parent's car back to them. Thank you guys so much for the use of your vehicles in our time of one-car-edness (monoautomus).
Enjoy your new car. :)
Your list was fun. Aren't you quite the accomplished woman. ;)
Loved the clip.