Dr. Minivan in Pink Pajamas
Speaking of time, the time spent in a minivan with children can be very educational. I don't know if it's the rhythm of the car going over bumps, cracks, or pot holes that creates their willingness to talk, but whatever the reason, my kids are more at ease and conversational in the car. I think I could even recommend that child psychologist invest in a dirty minivan and load his patients in for a more productive session.
Dr. Minivan on the first day of Spring
This talkative session was over movies they can and can't see. There are kids they know at school and neighbors who "get" to watch pg-13 and R movies. They keep asking me why they can't watch them. Some of them include Spiderman, Batman, the Hulk, and other superhero movies. It's really hard to tell them at this age the reasons for the rating when those characters are aimed at boys with super-hero imaginations. Well, anyway, that has been the topic of many a conversation. But this time it was about why in general movies are rated that way. A lot of times I make the mistake of saying "I don't know" to questions I don't always want to get into too deep. Like what makes a film a certain rating. Finally, in his infinite 6 year old wisdom, Douglas enlightened me on the definitions and meanings of the ratings:
PG= Pretty good
PG-13= Pretty good if you're 13
R= Really Bad
X= eXtremely Bad
Well there it is in case clarification was needed for any of you confused in a video store or movie theater.
Uh-oh, time to get Isaac dressed so we can go pick the boys up from school. Well, his outfit from yesterday isn’t too dirty. It’s stayin’ on. Just doing my part in water preservation or something like that (maybe it's my lack of interest in doing laundry).
Lookin' good and all Springy in your pastels.
Chocolate & Isaac equals an 11pm bed time.