Breaking and Entering
As you may have read in a previous blog entry, Isaac’s use of the bathroom has been limited and is only permitted under parental supervision. Since he doesn’t use it as a bathroom but rather as a splash park, we have had to keep the doors locked. We use various sharp tools such as paper clips and nails to unlock the doors prior to the proper use of these linoleum lined sanctums. Well, this charming, observant, and quite intelligent young man has observed this process of lock picking one too many times. Here, in this photograph, I have actual proof of a 2 year old picking a lock with a toothpick (toothpick! What a great idea!). Because he is a minor I don’t think this particular act of “breaking and entering” will tarnish his nearly perfect record. Let’s just hope he doesn’t run for any political office in the future, you never know how deep they’ll dig for the tiniest bit of dirt.