2021 Christmas Letter

 December 2021

Merry Christmas to all of you cherished friends and family!

I’ve really put off writing this Christmas letter, having been sick (not covid), and having forgotten the nature of time during the holidays.  Our house must have some Time Machine genes in its boards, tiles, and carpet, because I seem to have missed a few weeks here and there.

We hope you are all experiencing the warming Christmas spirit, that of the hope that comes with a knowledge of Christ our savior’s birth, his life and example, his personal atonement for each of us, and his resurrection. It’s a lot to comprehend, yet his plan is so simple and true.  

Sitting here thinking about some words that sum up this year, my mastery of the English language, even pig Latin, seems to be lacking.  So, I’ll just wing it and do my best to “use my words,” counsel I often give kindergarteners thru 6th graders when they seem frustrated with technology.  Actually, when it comes to technology, even we adults have challenges using our words…ugh!

I’m still working part-time at my daughters’ elementary school, teaching the computer class, which includes some basics about understanding the computer programs and proper internet use, but keyboarding is my greatest priority.  There are a lot of people who sadly only use their index fingers to type and the oldest kids are the hardest to get out of that habit.  Like in many things, it’s the younger kids who I’m having the most success in teaching a new skill, and in their case, to use all 10 fingers.  In the hours when I’m not teaching, I’m getting back surgery, planning to exercise, and being the mom.  I still have no clue how I’m doing the last one.  You who still have little kids, cherish the simplicity. I’m still waiting for the manuals on raising teens and preteens.  By the way, there is no single manual to provide helpful advice - they each need their own.

The coolest dude ever, my husband Chris, is still doing computer stuff for RC Willey and teaching a business law class online for BYU-Idaho.  Chris has put a lot of work lately into finding the best dad jokes, for which he gets a lot of eye-rolls from his daughters and me, but we’re all secretly laughing inside. As far as his health goes, he’s the 2nd to last to get this monster cold.

(This is our family picture this year, with some neighbors near the end. The three brownish ones are we three girls)

Reed, the oldest of the oldest twins is at the end of his 19th year!  Again, that time warping thing. He’ll be starting another semester of online college via BYU-Idaho in January. He’s recently been volunteering at a local food bank and says they have a lot of tuna! I understand, because, who really likes eating tuna anyway?  For fun, he likes to go shooting, be in the great outdoors, and work on his uncle’s dad’s farm (Grandpa in-law, Doug).  Yes, that’s considered fun for some.

Douglas, is currently serving a mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.  He started his first 9 out of 24 months, in the Seattle, Washington area and is now in Moldova (a country below Ukraine, and to the right of Romania), speaking Romanian.  Though, at times it’s Moldovan, a combo of Romanian and Russian.  He’s having great experiences, loving the people, eating interesting foods, and most importantly, sharing his testimony of the gospel with others.  We miss him!  At least, we get to have a call from him every Monday.  Sending packages for Christmas is a challenge and I hope he gets what we sent.  The first package we sent went to Aruba.  The mailman in Aruba practically pounded with his stamp “not for Aruba” at least 4 times! Poor guy, I’m guessing this was not the first time.

Isaac, the boy that is taller than all of us, is 16 and enjoys patting the shorties on the tops of their heads. He’s a junior in high school, works part time, plays guitar in the jazz band, and enjoys Karate.  If you need anything broken or kicked, he’s your guy!  He’s a great fan of Top Ramen and Reece’s Puffs :). I should say green beans and asparagus, but for him that’s only a “sometimes treat.”  We won’t go too deep into the video gaming addiction, but then there are no kids out there who will admit there’s such a thing. I for sure know there’s no such thing as a chocolate or diet coke addiction.

Elizabeth, the oldest of the other set of twins, is 11 and in 6th grade. She LOVES drawing! When others say they are bored because I won’t let them play on computers, she just goes and looks for a good pencil and a pad of paper.  One of her favorite foods is Nutella, just like her cousin Brooklyn.

Miriam, also 11 and also in 6th, loves school, gaming, reading, organizing, and peanut butter chocolate chip cookies.  She’s also doing karate and is a blue belt. I’d want her next to me in a fight!

The last members of the fam are the guinea pigs, Guinevere, Cali, and Cinnamon.  All excellent emotional support pets and quite tidy.  They seem to know when you’re in need of having your ear licked or when you need to hear a really great purr.

Anyway, my head, ears, and sinuses are still clogged and this is all that I could think of sharing with all of you loved ones.  If I have a bad cold next year, I’ll just type in a large font, “WE LOVE YOU, and Merry Christmas!” and print it out on red or green paper.


Becky, Chris, Reed, Douglas (via Moldova), Isaac, Elizabeth and Miriam

(Douglas and a few of his fellow mission elders in Moldova)

(The piggies three)


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