Peter Piper picked a Pepper, a Petite Person, and Participle Practicing People.

Back to School

Ah, the first day of school.  I was one of those kids who looked forward to the 1st day of school.  I have since discovered that I do not have children that appreciate the thrill of seeing where you sit, meeting your new teacher, pulling out the box of unspoiled crayons, or browsing the decorated walls and letter pictures which travel the perimeter of the room.  Oh, and the new outfit and lunch box; mine was blue with a Care Bear on the font.  The oldest two boys were ambivalent about the experience, but we practically had to drag Isaac off of the top bunk and put his shirt on his inert form.

1st day of school 3 boys [1024x768]

On the other hand, my first day of them going back to school was glorious!  Instead of the summer odds of 5 to 1, my chances of survival are now 2 to 1.

1st day of school Douglas [1024x768]

Douglas 10 1/2 in 5th Grade

1st day of school Isaac [1024x768]

Isaac 7 in 2nd Grade

1st day of School Reed [1024x768]

Reed 10 1/2 in 5th Grade


Baby Cuteness

Baby Caleb, his mom, and sisters came for a visit the other day.  We love him so much and we could all barely wait for our turn to hold him.

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A double-chin on a baby is one of the most adorable traits.  It’s when the adult attains one that the charm is lost.  I think Caleb looks a lot like Dantzel and Bill, not the chin part, but the rest.

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Serrano and Habanero Pepper Jelly

This was a first for me, but I had to do something with all of those peppers that keep growing on one particular bush.  I didn’t have any ripe tomatoes for salsa and I couldn’t let them go to waste.  So, pepper jelly, and wow, it turned out deliciously, I flatter myself, and it was so easy to make.

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The DeGiulio's said…
I always looked forward to the first day of school too. What a cute new nephew/cousin you guys have & way to go with the pepper jelly! We have something growing in our garden that looks like bushes but no
Melissa said…
You Hartvigsens sure make cute kids. Your boys look very handsome on their first day of school and Caleb is just a doll. I am so glad Erin has a healthy baby boy!

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