2555 days old!
On the eve of his birthday, right before he went to bed, Isaac asked if I could make him a pile of pancakes for his birthday and to put a candle on top. He got what he wished for and ate 3/4 of it. Impressive! Thinking about how much he ate even now makes me feel sick. Yes, he is definitely a growing boy!
Some of the cousins and a friend came over to celebrate Isaac’s 7th Birhtday. How did he get so old? I don’t k now why, but I still think of him as my baby. Yes, I know I have two more babies, but still…Maybe because he’s the only child that I got real one on one time, he being the only non-twin of my kids. I hope that doesn’t give him some sort of complex one day.
Keep your eyes closed…ta-da! A bike! Big enough that you don’t have to crunch into a ball to ride!
I got these cute little blue tops for the girls but they were a bit big. Turns out they get even bigger once they get wet! There goes my sleeve again!
This is how it’s supposed to be done. You people trying to stand on this skate board have got it all wrong!
Alyssa, Douglas, and a silly Brooklynn in the back.