2555 days old!

On the eve of his birthday, right before he went to bed, Isaac asked if I could make him a pile of pancakes for his birthday and to put a candle on top.  He got what he wished for and ate 3/4 of it.  Impressive!  Thinking about how much he ate even now makes me feel sick.  Yes, he is definitely a growing boy!

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Some of the cousins and a friend came over to celebrate Isaac’s 7th Birhtday.  How did he get so old?  I don’t k now why, but I still think of him as my baby.  Yes, I know I have two more babies, but still…Maybe because he’s the only child that I got real one on one time, he being the only non-twin of my kids.  I hope that doesn’t give him some sort of  complex one day.

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Keep your eyes closed…ta-da!  A bike!  Big enough that you don’t have to crunch into a ball to ride!

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I got these cute little blue tops for the girls but they were a bit big.  Turns out they get even bigger once they get wet!  There goes my sleeve again!

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This is how it’s supposed to be done.  You people trying to stand on this skate board have got it all wrong!

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Alyssa, Douglas, and a silly Brooklynn in the back.


mommymuse said…
Your babies--all five of them--are so beautiful, and you are a super talented photographer!
The DeGiulio's said…
Love his request for pancakes with a candle. What a fun birthday present, who.doesn't love a bike!

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