A decade, a whole decade!
I think it’s time for another cake decorating class.
I now have a pair of 10 year olds. The big 1 0! We had a small party with 3 of their friends and of course our own clan. There was pizza, ice cream, cake, and a salad. The salad was to help the rest of the stuff digest later on, or for the parents not to feel too guilty about the night of bad cholesterol and tooth decay.
Can you sense the excitement for the #1 Birthday gift this year? I wouldn’t be surprised if I (or most likely Chris) go down to wake them up in the morning and they are sleeping in their helmets.
That’s Elizabeth back there saying, “Argh!!!!!”
Why is it such a challenge for boys to behave in pictures?
They loved all of their gifts. They both got some new dress pants, a tie, remote control helicopters, and Nerf guns. Reed got an NFL book and a cook book for kids and Douglas got the game Apples to Apples. They of course got a few more books from us. I always think a book is a good gift, I just hope they think so too.
They played the hilarious game Would You Rather, the junior addition. Elizabeth decided to join in the fun but had to be taken out when she kept climbing closer and closer to the board and pieces. Miriam wasn’t all that interested in the game, besides she was on the boarder of exhaustion/ ornery and good and ready for bed.
I’m glad they had such a nice time and now that it’s over and all of the kids are snug in their beds, the most wonderful sense of relief is washing over me. I really need a foot rub to accompany that relief.