A Domestic, book-reading, quilt-making, diorama-cutting, pie-burning, Diva!

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Ta-dah!  (this feat will not be repeated until apple seasons starts anew, in a year or two).

In the recent past I have been accused of being a book-a-holic  and today I feel it is time to prove that I have other qualities.  Though I am not cured of my reading addiction, I can now put a book down on occasion and do things like turn the oven on, cut paper, and sew through my fingers.

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Helping the boys with their reflections projects.

IMG_2797 [640x480] Making quilts for the new cute little twinzies.

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You know what, show and tell is fun.  Next time I’m going to show you my Spiderman action figure!

I hate making pie crust by the way…

“Yes. Yes, I did it. I killed Yvette [the crust]. I hated her [it], so much... it-it- the f - it -flam - flames. Flames, on the side of my face, breathing-breathl- heaving breaths. Heaving breath...”

--Mrs. White (the movie Clue)


mommymuse said…
Impressive! You're inspiring me to post photos of my latest jabs at creativity :). Maybe.
Rebecca said…
awesome sewing skills! Those quilts are cute. I wish I had some of your skills!!!
Brenny said…
Way to go! The breadth of your domestic skills impresses me -- especially the quilting, which was beautiful. And LOVED the Clue quote at the end.

"I am your singing telegram" BANG!
Welch Mom said…
That looks like an award winning pie!

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