Rock, Paper, Scissors...PAPER!
Since Chris is gone for the week working, I have had to brush up on my paper airplane making skills. In the past, in order to avoid becoming the maker of such things, I have deflected their requests by saying, "I don't know how, go ask daddy." The same line is used when they ask how to win a certain computer game, and in that case I truly do not know how to win. As a mother of only boys I've also been able, when Chris is around, to avoid being the constant escort to public restrooms using a similar saying "I can't go in there, go ask daddy."
In these new circumstances I'm finding that I am now the aeronautical, computer gaming, bathroom escorting expert that I have for so long managed to dodge. Only, I still can't go into the public restrooms and have to cross my fingers that they are not making maypoles with the stalls and toilet paper. With my "help" they will still lose whatever computer game they may be playing. But, in one thing I believe I have triumphed and that is the engineering of an SR-71 inspired paper airplane. It's not much of a glider but it has speed! You could even take an eye out with its pointed nose (is "nose" the correct term Chris?).
Click here to learn about the true holder of the paper airplane World Record.
So, should you, in the near future, go into South Ogden's Target store and happen to be in the bread aisle, be sure to get on your tippiest of toes, or ask a cute box boy to give you a lift, and look over the English muffins onto the landing pad containing the paper masterpiece that once was Isaac's. How could my little man not throw his airplane in a store with such great ceilings?