Here’s a picture of my “rusty innards” which no longer belong entirely to me. I just want to know why the inhabitants keep moving in in pairs. There aren’t even any walk-in closets or washer/dryer hook-ups. Must be the view.
Twins?!!?? I have always said that the Lord only sends twins to the best moms, so He must think very highly of your mothering skills! Congratulations and good luck!
Serious expecting?! AWESOME! I am so excited for you!!! Yea! You are just lucky and blessed I guess.Hope it is girls this time. Keep us posted on these kiddos! Yea for you!
Wait, is this for real!??????? I'm seriously dying over here, wondering if this is just some postponed cruel Halloween joke, or if my Beckster is for real, carrying two future awesome radical babes. May the force be with you...if you're serious. you'll need to post a new blog entry just to clarify for my sake!!!! xoxo
Way to announce! I vote for girls, too, although you do have a strong track record of producing super cute boys :). I'm excited & happy for you, a little bit jealous, and a teeny bit scared for you all at once!
What? Wow and Wow! You are so good at jokes that I had to read the entry twice to make sure what I was reading. You are honestly an awesome mom and 2 more babies will be lucky to call you their mother! What are the odds of that happening 2 times? I hope you are feeling well, you better go have some chocolate and diet coke to celebrate now!
Wow! 2 for one special, twice! you are blessed and if your not crazy yet, you will be. I'm just down the road a ways. Give me a call when you need a rescue.
Oh, Ms. Becky. Congrats. May the sleeping God bless your whole family from this day forward, may the gender God bless you with two of the female kind, and may you win the Lottery.
As much as I hate this expression...OMG! That is wonderful/crazy news and I'm so excited/exhausted for you already. I can't wait to hear more details and I hope you're feeling alright. It's a good thing you're such an amazing woman. :) If you need extras on baby gear, let me know as I'm happily ridding our house of several baby items in about ten months. :) Wahoo for you!